A git history to HTML renderer Travis CI Status

Gitline renders the git history of multiple branches and even repositories to a sweet graphical view (live sample above), use it to keep tabs on what your team is doing :)

Gitline tries to be aware of your branching scheme. It will autodetect the category and assignment of branches and groups commits accordingly.

Run it online against any github repository

Don't want to setup a server? Love everything cloud? Gitline integrates with github directly right here. Just open http://lookatgit.com/dist/github.html, configure and use! It will store the credentials in your browser, so next time you open it, it will show your repository.

Run it on a server (requires docker)

docker run -dP -e REPO_URL="https://github.com/blecher-at/gitline" -e REPO_NAME="Gitline" blecherat/gitline

see https://github.com/blecher-at/gitline/tree/master/docker-image for more details

Installation / Setup of development environment

You want to install it yourself, run it against your private or corporate repository, access multiple repositories and customize gitline to your needs? Go to the github page and get involved: View on GitHub


Gitline is only two weeks old as of this writing, use it at your own risk, and yeah: some bugs are to be expected. Your repository looks odd? Submit an issue on github and have it fixed: View on GitHub

Imports / Third party

Legal / License

Licensed under the Affero GPLv3, which basically says: You are free to hack and use, but if you want to build a product out of it, or host it as a service, we need to talk.